IN PURSUIT... Now On Sale

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Katherine’s quote seems appropriate for today as I just completed what I consider “the hardest think for me to do on earth”  and let me tell you – I am celebrating with, yes, another gimlet!

After many false starts and some agonizing labor pains, Katherine Mansfield has come to life. And there is no denying that it is a thrill to hold this one-pound, 8x5.2x.08 inch, 348 page and 130,000 word harvest in my hands.

And now I must “face the truth”: I have done all that I can for this shiny, beautiful, demanding child of mine.  I must let it go out into the world on its own so that I can move on to the next hardest and most joyous thing on earth for me to do––Write another novel!!! 




In Pursuit . . . goes to print!!!