This is my third website and this one is incorruptible!

I have been unable to write on my blog for several weeks as my new site was being built on Squarespace. I'm ashamed to say my first website was corrupted by me.  My second site was poorly constructed and collapsed. My third website, this one, is built with much stronger beams. And I've learned how to write blogs from my iPhone. How cool is that!

IN PURSUIT . . . has been out there for a few weeks and I'm sure Katherine would be as pleased with the results. Readers are buying. Rave reviews are coming in! 

To get into the technological swing of things. I even took a giant risk, as Katherine would have, and upgraded my operating system (better known as OS for you tech buffs). In other words, I went from being a Tiger to a Snow Leopard and in the transition lost all my files for around 48 hours. But miraculously they returned and I am back online. Yes, I was helped by a few Gimlets.

I have great news that all you writers will appreciate. I woke up the other day with a new character living in my brain who is waiting to be placed in a story. No more excessive thoughts on codes and pings and unresolvable computer glitches. Now I'm plot crazy.

And now that I have this new, well-constructed site, please visit more often. And speak up. I don't have to be the only one talking. And feel free to contact me directly with any questions you might have about Katherine Mansfield, as I love to talk about her.

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In Pursuit . . is published. What do I do now?


IN PURSUIT... Now On Sale